is the new formula of clay that has been on the market for a few months now.
It’s received some mixed reviews. Depending on what projects you are working on or what brand of clay you use, it may or may not work for you. I would say Studio is ideal for stamping, decorative crafts and using with molds, just as the projects on their website suggest.
With that said, I love this new clay. While it won’t take the place of my precious Premo, I have been having fun experimenting with the stash that I purchased. (I ordered every color after I tried out a few samples.)
*Color: Love the colors, the sophisticated color palette reduces the color mixing time. Although I still found myself adjust the colors to fit me. If you like deep saturated colors, you may want to adjust Studio using a different brand of clay.
*Texture: Studio has a soft, suede like feel both before and after it’s baked. It’s lightweight marshmallow feel is fun to play with and conditioning is a breeze. The clay doesn’t hold it’s shape for beads as well as Premo and I found myself mixing 1/2 Premo & Studio to get a firmer clay for the base beads.
*Caning: Yep, you can cane with it. I cane with the softer blocks of Premo, a firmer clay is probably better for beginners. You may want to condition and mix your colors and then let them set overnight. I like the clay better on day two. Make sure you use a sharp blade!
*Finishing: I’m a matte finish girl, so I’m happy with a quick sanding to get rid of any fingerprints. The beads feel almost like fabric or paper, love it!
I’m looking forward to getting to know this new product better during over the next few months. Here are some of my first experiences with Studio.
My first few blocks of clay were demin, pomegranate, whipped cream and after midnight. I mixed up a soft color palette in blues and purples.
The demin shades were used in my Aloha Blue beads.
Studio used with my seashell cane.
Stepping out of my comfort zone with a brighter palette and bold, graphic canes.
What do you think of Studio? I’d love to hear from you and see your projects.
I heave the same comments as you have. One more info.
I tied sanding and buffing like with premo and it still stays mat even though there is a bit of shine.
Loved mixing it with fimo or premo.
Really beautiful beads. I have to try make some disks.
Good work:)
Would not touch this product with a 10′ pole — it is marketed by Donna Dewberry who knows “zip” about polymer clay. It is just a marketing gimmick to sell her Polymer Clay Certification course. Polyform’s lost their credibility with me.
What a beautiful mix of colors, gorgeous job!!
Your work is absolutely beautiful! I am inspired to try some new things…
Thanks for the review. We are going to give the Studio by Sculpey clay a try.
Love it. Great for beads – l am doing a clay experiment with PC beads at the moment. Got cernit, fimo classic, premo, sculpey iii, Kato and studio. Studio doesn’t crack and l don’t get hairline cracks either. Color stays pretty much the same and after quenching the beads are dead hard. l think this stuff would be great if you wanted to do a faux fabric effect (i.e tassles) or thinner pieces as it is so bendy and plastic like in cured state. A winner for me.
This sounds a lot like the “Ultra Light” Sculpey that I wish I had not bought. It was all I could find in white and felt like working with marshmallows. I am now using it like I would scrap clay to build up miniature designs.