Years ago, on PolymerClayCentral’s forum, Syndee Holt used to run a semi-regular chat. She was always a lot of fun as well as super talented. I was delighted to see she has a new blog right on Sculpey’s site at:
It looks like Sculpey plans on having other artists participate in that blog but there’s already a little stack of projects including the bright and colourful one that made the cabs in the picture above. Right at the moment, with the first dump of snow sitting in my yard, I need a little bright and cheery!
Hey THANKS! I miss that PCC Chat often. I also have my very own blog at
I love the blog media for quick little finds like the cabs above – you know, when you just gotta show SOMEONE..LOL
Yes! I do the same thing, pop quick little bites up.
I’ll stick the synssculpeypage blog up in the sidebar <–