As a child, I loved collecting rocks. There was never any rhyme nor reason to this, I didn’t know what type of stones I was picking up, just that I thought they were neat in some way or another. I’m quite sure there are a couple of children’s beach pails still tucked away in my mother’s basement, heavy with the weight of these “treasures.”
I automatically thought of that, and was transported back to the joy of finding some nifty looking pebble when I saw this creation from Pip’s Jewellery Creation over on Flickr. I love the detailing of the white stripes running through the gray pebbles – I can remember picking up rocks that looked very much like these! (Although, since these are made of polymer clay, they are lightweight enough to be practical and comfortable for jewelry!)
You can see more of her work at
and her blog is at:
[tags]polymer clay pebbles, pips jewellery creation[/tags]
I still pick up cool rocks… all shapes and sizes. Have been wanting to try PC pebbles for along time, and now am newly motiviated. Thank you.
These are fab! I agree that the white stripes make them look like real stones.
Thank you so much for featuring my Pebbles. I have been following Craftgossip for a long time and feel very honoured to have my work shown here.
I have always enjoyed rocks…when I lived in Michigan as a kid a friend of mine and I collected all the neatest rocks we could find, “borrowed” all my mom’s clear nail polish, “polished” the rocks and sold them door to door as paperweights for a dime each. That was in the early 60’s and that is why were weren’t arrested!! LOL. Yes, my mom was REALLY angry about the nail polish. My dad, on the other hand, thought our entrepreneur endeavor quite creative…. :o)
I love how these speak to so many childhood memories!