Want to win the October issue of Polymer Cafe?ย It includes an elegant image transfer pendant by Kathy Shield Dummer, a unique way of making a signature cane by Jill Palumbo , and a cute as can be pumpkin cottage from Trish Hodgens.ย Miniaturists will enjoy the bread and cheese project by Pamela J., and the apple core beads by Lynette Fisk.
Since Polymer Cafe is a magazine by clayers, for clayers, to be entered in the giveaway, leave a comment and let us know if you’ve considered submitting a project to the magazine (or if you have!)
The winner will be selected from the commentators via random.org on September 30.ย Remember to leave a way for us to contact you!
[tags]polymer cafe magazine, giveaway[/tags]
I’ve certainly considered it, though I think I have a bit further to go skill-wise before I actually attempt a submission.
Wow! I don’t have this issue yet, and I would love to win it! Although, being a first commentator, I will probably not be a winner, I never saw first commentators win :)))
I still consider myself a beginner in clay, but I think at some point I would love to submit some project to the magazine :))
Actually, I haven’t tried this yet but I’ve been so fascinated with the postings on Graft Gossip that I’ve started investigating and wound up here. I’d love a free issue to see what I’m getting myself into!! : ) Thank you!
I haven’t seen yet, I am from Europe .. now I’m curious ๐
This magazine looks interesting. I want to know more about polymer clay techniques, so I think itwould be good start
Still just a beginner so I have no projects to submit, but I dream of doing so in the near future.
Thank you for producing such a quality site! It never fails to inspire.
I haven’t submitted to Polymer Cafe, mainly because I’m at the point of hoping to actually learn how to use polymer first! I know there are lots of avenues to explore.
I’ve only begun working with polymer clay, so I wouldn’t think I about submitting to a magazine at this point. Maybe in the future ๐
Great chance! I would love to submit a project to the magazine (if it’s worth submitting, of course)
I am just now investigating polymer clay so I haven’t submitted anything yet
I have thought of many projects to submit, but none of them ever end up seeming good enough. I should just bite the polymer clay bullett and do it.
Elizabeth Freeman
915 588 1208
I have a pile of polymer clay, but have not used it to make beads or pendants yet. I used to make dollhouse miniatures (mainly using polymer clay), now I make jewelry (mainly wirework and beads), so I would definitely like to play with my polymer clay again making beads or pendants. If I did, then I would consider submitting to this magazine. I am very interested in this issue since it combines jewelry AND miniatures! Thanks for the giveaway!!
As this magazine is not sold in Australia I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win a copy!!
I would love to read that magazine. I have only read excerpts so far.
Best wishes to you ๐
I would love submit a project to the magazine some day! ๐ I consider myself a beginner in clay for now, but if I come up with a good idea, I sur will try to submit it :)))
Please enter me in your giveaway! :))
I am addicted polymer clayer! It would be nice to have this magazine. Submitting a project to the magazine is in my plan in 2010. Choose me!!
If I had anything worthy, I’d submit it. Maybe I should stop reading and go make something!
lindaanne at yahoo.com
i have not even thought of it. I consider myself a clay newbie and am still experimenting and learning!
I am still new to polymer clay. Maybe someday I will submit something. I love this magazine. Now im buying all the back issues I can find.
I am waiting to feel enough confidence in my work to submit to the magazine. But I decided I will definitely submit something within the next six to nine months.
Thank you for the chance to win a copy. I would love to submit a project to the magazine, if I knew how. Like a previous entrant, I am from Oz and we don’t get the magazine here.
Kind regards to all.
Hi, I’m looking for the has “Berry cute critters”. I find it at: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AA8I9iijgRg/SWLQVV8gZ1I/AAAAAAAACTU/GS2lPuQg_qE/s1600-h/Polymer+cafe+Vol+7+No-collage.jpg
I don’t know what issue it is. Could you give me
Some info about it it?
Hi Feree!
The issue you are looking for is PolymerCafe’s February 2009 one. You can find PolymerCafe.com and see if they have back issues or search online (ebay for example) to see if anyone is selling copies.
I would love to win this magazine. I am just learning about polymer clay, but might someday have something to submit!
Hey there! This giveaway is from a while back unfortunately! There are many lovely tutorials online to get you started and I always recommend: http://www.polymerclaycentral.com as a super spot to begin with
I am looking into clay as a medium. I have seen some REALLY nice jewelry and would not have guessed it was clay. Like I said I am in the looking stage now. Thank you