Hi! It’s nice to meet you and it’s great to be here.
My name is Wendy, and I will be your new editor for the PolymerClay@CraftGossip blog. I am so happy to be able to bring all of the info I find about polymer clay here in one place for you. I love trying new techniques and new products with polymer clay and I know all of you do too. So, you’ll be reading all about the trials and tribulations of my claying along with breaking news in the polymer world, reviews on new products and everything polymer clay! If you are a newbie, don’t sweat it, I will have all of the info you need too !
If any of you out there have something in particular you’d like to read about, leave me a comment with the subject and I’ll put it on my list of topics to write about.
Stay tuned and I’ll be back, in the mean time be careful of the links you click on when surfing the web, it seems that a few polymer clay artist’s websites have been hacked into. Some sufers have gotten a virus from them. Always have a good antivirus program installed and updated to keep you from having that problem.
Congrats Wendy!!!
Happy to welcome you in your new job .
Good luck and hope you have fun doing it.
I am a bottle of hope addict so anytime you talk about it I will be interested.
Louise, I do plan on talking about the BOH, so stay tuned 🙂 Until then you can take a look at some I’ve done – http://www.flickr.com/photos/wendygw/2237068534/