Ahoy Maties! It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day once again!
This bust is by sculptor Andrew Bergholtz. Amazing, yes? Pour yourself a cup of grog, and then click here to find out more about him and check out more of his work.
[tags]talk like a pirate day, andrew bergholtz, polymer clay sculpture[/tags]
Darn, I started typing a comment, & clicked on something by mistake…it’s gone! At least I think so–if it’s in moderation, I apologize for the re-post. Anyway, I’m bummed that I missed “Talk like a Pirate Day.” It’s always so much fun–we always laugh ourselves silly when we act like pirates.
I ended up over here today because Cindy did a post on you. She mentioned an article you did back when she was first starting out…seems like she wanted to say “thanks” by blogging about you today. I was surprised to find that her blog/website isn’t in your resource list on the left side. She’s certainly come a long way from just a few videos…she’s got an entire webite filled with polymer clay information of every type. She still works tirelessly to answer questions and provide support. She comes up with new techniques, and finds ways to improve or simplify older ones. It’s funny–your previous post was about the tri-bead roller, and she just did a new video tutorial about tube beads, and the Amaco Tube bead roller–something many of us had difficulty using correctly. (The instructions are a bit lacking with those tools.)
Cindy has kept her teeny-tiny membership price the same all this time…it’s still a very low $3.32 a month. That gets you 4 new video tutorials, and 12 color recipes (from 3 custom palettes.) Well, I guess I’ve rambled enough. I just want people to know how amazing The Polymer Clay Tutor’s site is–especially for beginner/intermediate clayers.
Thanks for your awesome site. I’ll be sure to visit again…
Thanks, Gianna