FREE SAMPLES!! Black Bunacord Necklace/Bracelet cord from IC Moore Company.
2 meters (6 ft) each: 2mm & 3 mm Black Bunacord + O rings. No Purchase required.
Email name, mailing address, city, state, zip
to [email protected]. (Allow 4 weeks for delivery.)
[tags]polymer clay, cord, free samples, jewelry-making[/tags]
Thanks so much for this link…I ordered on 5/13…and received a very nice package yesterday in the mail, which was a nice surprise!!
I got a reply saying that this offer has officially ended.
I’ve added you to my list of blogs to read! I love what I see here!!!
Well all good things must come to an end, thanks Carmen!
I think I missed free offer…I do a lot of crafts and use any material I can get my hands on..if you are thinking of another free offer please send some my way. Thank you for sharing
Hi Roxanne! This post is from a few years ago. Sorry ’bout that!