Even though clay, all by itself, is pretty fabulous… the best part is how awesome it goes with and can be used with pretty much every medium. I’m sure there’s some it doesn’t rock with. I just haven’t found it yet.
TheMagicBean put together a list of clay tutes (need to find a replacement as link and blog are gone now. ed.) that are great for cloth doll artists looking to add a bit of poly clay to their repertoires. Everything from hands to dollar accessories. Have a browse and see if there’s some you didn’t know about.
The link for the list of tutorials is blank. FYI
Hi Nora Jean! When I click through to the blog post there is a list within the post with a variety of good stuff. I’m not sure what’s missing.
The “a list of good tutes” from TheMagicBean is blank. All it comes up with is “http” and nothing after.
Aha! Fixed that, thanks!
There still is a blank page. No tutorial.
Hi Allison! This is from a bit ago… let me see what’s up.
It appears the blog itself has been removed, grr.